The increasing digitization process which we live is generating a profound transformation in the way we interact, learn, educate, work, leading people, projects and organizations. Its impact has changed every aspect of our lives, from the most private and personal to the most public and professionals. Digital is not just a set of technologies is above all a new way of doing things. It has more to do with the field of culture to technology. It is more about being with the room, and the poise that know-how. And ultimately, its impact is not so much in doing the same old thing with other tools and do it in a substantially different way. It is, for some , one of the few disruptions in the history of our species. Of those that have profoundly changed our production system and therefore our habits and our ways of production.
If there is something that seems to be a general consensus to uncertainty and continuous change in which we live is in the claim that the social web is here to stay ( Nielsen , PewInternet ). It does not matter much which technology will dominate (although the choice of technology is not neutral nor without consequences), or if the offer will be focused on a single platform or multiple (although it is always preferable to the diversity and multiplicity of homogeneity and uniqueness ). What seems to agree to one and is the relevance of "social turn" the Internet has experienced in the last ten years. A transformation which, remember, has only just begun, but it has taken us from one, a few, advertising unidirectional Internet primarily broadcasting to another built on the "democratization" of production and access to information based participation and constant conversation and characterized by interaction, dialogue and collaboration of many.
On the other hand, by its very nature, by its enormous social relevance, its high impact as an instrument of solidarity and redistribution of wealth and importance in building a better future, education and learning can not, in any way be unaffected by this transformation.
In fact, they have not been. The digital, Internet, Web, Web 2.0, or social Web have long since entered the classroom. And they have done it, how could it be otherwise, with the help of students ( The Internet & Education PewInternet Report ; . Teens social and media PewInternet ), teachers ( Aulablog , Spiral , Hack Education ..) and families ( Parents 2.0 , ...) who, in many cases, facing no opposition, fears or inaction of other agencies, are leading the transformation.
Bells ring change although we resort to memory sufficient to confirm they are not new and that the voices that question the education system and demand a more integrative model and connected with us for years. The debate on the need for education reform and the role of technology in this transformation has been a recurring at least the past 40 years. The largest recall, perhaps with nostalgia, the avalanche of documents and reports from different areas, occurred in the 60s and 70s in favor of the imperative need for this change ( learning to be Fauré Report . UNESCO 1972 Learning Society , Robert Hutchins, 1968 and Torsten Husen, 1974). Also recall with amusement the many initiatives and projects are then launched to incorporate technology into education and that for example it is enough with this great excerpt from a video made in 1967 in which he predicted what it would education in 1999.
1999 A.D. Learning من طرف donaldtheduckie
So rooted (and much needed) in our culture is the debate between reform and education and so accustomed are, unfortunately, hardly accept changes without much surprise that someone can say, from the direction of one of the leading institutions occur European education, "I always thought that what is important in life happen outside the classroom" ( François Dubet ). But like has changed our concept of leisure or work long ceased to be a place to go, Educational finally seems doomed to change. Learning is more than ever a matter not only confined to specific spaces (classrooms), or a standard content (curricula), and not even just a matter between legislators, teachers and students (disintermediation, peer learning, new roles of the teacher). It is something that concerns us all and goes anywhere and anytime ( Juan Freire , Tíscar Lara , Cristóbal Cobo , Zemos98 ) and hence the relevance of talking about connected education , where what matters is being able to respond to why and what we study, how to do, where and from whom to learn ( DML Central , HASTAC , Hybrid Pedagogy ). And although we know that multiple arguments to support that learning was always connected and social, it appears that gains strength the idea that learning is connected or not be and in this process the web and the social web is clear that play (and do) an important role.
"Connected education: the school in times of networks" ( # re-education ), seeks to contextualize the momentum of educational change caused by the emergence of the network wants to be first and foremost a space for reflection and practice on the impact of the Internet. and social networks in teaching and learning. The course is organized around four themes, four areas that are being affected profoundly by the networks:
1. LEARNING NETWORK ( José Luis Cabello , David Alvarez , Juan Sánchez Martos ), where new forms of teaching and learning in network address (communities of practice, so connected, learn from your own experience and others) and on the Web (internet, sources of knowledge, open source, social media). The Internet has dramatically changed our ability to access and produce knowledge ( REA ) has also changed the balance of authority and the traditional role of the teacher ( as educators curators ), the dynamics of the classroom ( flipped classroom , use of hashtags in education ), the recognition systems ( badges ), our ways to keep up ( PLE are for summer ) and our territory of references and connections ( Siemens and Downes ). Whenever it becomes necessary to learn how to learn network ( #ETMOOC ) collectively so connected ( connectivism ), other and other ( A teacher's guide to social media ).
Metropolitan railway
2. LIVE IN THE RED ( Antonio Omatos Urko Fernandez and Victor Cuevas ) that deals with personal and professional management of networks, with identity and fingerprint, with the right to be forgotten but right ahead, privacy and good use of networks with data protection and children and therefore with the need for classroom instruction on the use of social networks . In short, with the necessary learning to live on the Web and inexcusable responsibility for management teams, parents and teachers in the learning process. Denying the impact and incidence of social media in the classroom, prohibit or look the other way does not seem a reasonable choice ( here ), nor responsible ( internet, social networking and David Maeztu oblivion. Didactalia 2013 meeting )
3. SCHOOL OPEN ( Lorena Fernandez , Carlos Magro ). If we accept that the social web has led to a complete change in the ways of relating and communicating, we can not ignore their impact in the classroom and in schools. Networks offer new opportunities for improving communication among members of the educational community (teachers, students, administrators, teams, families) together and the educational center with its environment. They are an opportunity to improve the integration of the educational system, they are a way to open the classroom and aim for an open school. What is the digital identity of a school , who builds ( Branding the Learning Organization ), what new forms are communications and digital integration which has a school or teachers to interact with their immediate environment are just some of the issues to be addressed in this session. The goal: to be able to design the end of the day a model of online presence, a mini media plan for each teacher individually and the entire Center ( Eudora Schools: Embracing Social Media and Creating a Digital-Friendly School District ).
4. WORK ON THE NET ( Julen Iturbe , Charo Fernandez ) discuss how the introduction of digital logic in the classroom mobilizes and amplifies other new skills that have to do with network learning, collaborative and distributed work and project work . Competencies and skills that are essential today for the professional development of individuals ( 21st Century Skills , Framework for 21st Century Learning, Education to employement Mckinsey ) and keys to form citizens and professionals to live and work in changing and uncertain environments, knowing react and adapt quickly to these changes and ultimately knowing collaborate and cooperate in network.
The course ultimately aims to open discussion among all participants on simple questions like: Why educators should be on social media ? How do I select valid sources and content learning in the network What is a PLE and how to use it in the classroom? How can I learn from the experience of others? What is digital identity? Why is it important to manage and teach students to do? Can you use social media to enhance learning? Who and how are you doing? How do you use to communicate with students and families? How it works in network ... definitely "? connected education: the school in times of networks "( Registration ) aims modestly put a grain in the transformation of education, to be able, together, to reverse the phrase of Davies and not against educating experience but from the experience and the experience of others (collectively, networked and shared).
If there is something that seems to be a general consensus to uncertainty and continuous change in which we live is in the claim that the social web is here to stay ( Nielsen , PewInternet ). It does not matter much which technology will dominate (although the choice of technology is not neutral nor without consequences), or if the offer will be focused on a single platform or multiple (although it is always preferable to the diversity and multiplicity of homogeneity and uniqueness ). What seems to agree to one and is the relevance of "social turn" the Internet has experienced in the last ten years. A transformation which, remember, has only just begun, but it has taken us from one, a few, advertising unidirectional Internet primarily broadcasting to another built on the "democratization" of production and access to information based participation and constant conversation and characterized by interaction, dialogue and collaboration of many.
On the other hand, by its very nature, by its enormous social relevance, its high impact as an instrument of solidarity and redistribution of wealth and importance in building a better future, education and learning can not, in any way be unaffected by this transformation.
In fact, they have not been. The digital, Internet, Web, Web 2.0, or social Web have long since entered the classroom. And they have done it, how could it be otherwise, with the help of students ( The Internet & Education PewInternet Report ; . Teens social and media PewInternet ), teachers ( Aulablog , Spiral , Hack Education ..) and families ( Parents 2.0 , ...) who, in many cases, facing no opposition, fears or inaction of other agencies, are leading the transformation.
Bells ring change although we resort to memory sufficient to confirm they are not new and that the voices that question the education system and demand a more integrative model and connected with us for years. The debate on the need for education reform and the role of technology in this transformation has been a recurring at least the past 40 years. The largest recall, perhaps with nostalgia, the avalanche of documents and reports from different areas, occurred in the 60s and 70s in favor of the imperative need for this change ( learning to be Fauré Report . UNESCO 1972 Learning Society , Robert Hutchins, 1968 and Torsten Husen, 1974). Also recall with amusement the many initiatives and projects are then launched to incorporate technology into education and that for example it is enough with this great excerpt from a video made in 1967 in which he predicted what it would education in 1999.
1999 A.D. Learning من طرف donaldtheduckie
So rooted (and much needed) in our culture is the debate between reform and education and so accustomed are, unfortunately, hardly accept changes without much surprise that someone can say, from the direction of one of the leading institutions occur European education, "I always thought that what is important in life happen outside the classroom" ( François Dubet ). But like has changed our concept of leisure or work long ceased to be a place to go, Educational finally seems doomed to change. Learning is more than ever a matter not only confined to specific spaces (classrooms), or a standard content (curricula), and not even just a matter between legislators, teachers and students (disintermediation, peer learning, new roles of the teacher). It is something that concerns us all and goes anywhere and anytime ( Juan Freire , Tíscar Lara , Cristóbal Cobo , Zemos98 ) and hence the relevance of talking about connected education , where what matters is being able to respond to why and what we study, how to do, where and from whom to learn ( DML Central , HASTAC , Hybrid Pedagogy ). And although we know that multiple arguments to support that learning was always connected and social, it appears that gains strength the idea that learning is connected or not be and in this process the web and the social web is clear that play (and do) an important role.
"Connected education: the school in times of networks" ( # re-education ), seeks to contextualize the momentum of educational change caused by the emergence of the network wants to be first and foremost a space for reflection and practice on the impact of the Internet. and social networks in teaching and learning. The course is organized around four themes, four areas that are being affected profoundly by the networks:
1. LEARNING NETWORK ( José Luis Cabello , David Alvarez , Juan Sánchez Martos ), where new forms of teaching and learning in network address (communities of practice, so connected, learn from your own experience and others) and on the Web (internet, sources of knowledge, open source, social media). The Internet has dramatically changed our ability to access and produce knowledge ( REA ) has also changed the balance of authority and the traditional role of the teacher ( as educators curators ), the dynamics of the classroom ( flipped classroom , use of hashtags in education ), the recognition systems ( badges ), our ways to keep up ( PLE are for summer ) and our territory of references and connections ( Siemens and Downes ). Whenever it becomes necessary to learn how to learn network ( #ETMOOC ) collectively so connected ( connectivism ), other and other ( A teacher's guide to social media ).
Metropolitan railway
2. LIVE IN THE RED ( Antonio Omatos Urko Fernandez and Victor Cuevas ) that deals with personal and professional management of networks, with identity and fingerprint, with the right to be forgotten but right ahead, privacy and good use of networks with data protection and children and therefore with the need for classroom instruction on the use of social networks . In short, with the necessary learning to live on the Web and inexcusable responsibility for management teams, parents and teachers in the learning process. Denying the impact and incidence of social media in the classroom, prohibit or look the other way does not seem a reasonable choice ( here ), nor responsible ( internet, social networking and David Maeztu oblivion. Didactalia 2013 meeting )
3. SCHOOL OPEN ( Lorena Fernandez , Carlos Magro ). If we accept that the social web has led to a complete change in the ways of relating and communicating, we can not ignore their impact in the classroom and in schools. Networks offer new opportunities for improving communication among members of the educational community (teachers, students, administrators, teams, families) together and the educational center with its environment. They are an opportunity to improve the integration of the educational system, they are a way to open the classroom and aim for an open school. What is the digital identity of a school , who builds ( Branding the Learning Organization ), what new forms are communications and digital integration which has a school or teachers to interact with their immediate environment are just some of the issues to be addressed in this session. The goal: to be able to design the end of the day a model of online presence, a mini media plan for each teacher individually and the entire Center ( Eudora Schools: Embracing Social Media and Creating a Digital-Friendly School District ).
4. WORK ON THE NET ( Julen Iturbe , Charo Fernandez ) discuss how the introduction of digital logic in the classroom mobilizes and amplifies other new skills that have to do with network learning, collaborative and distributed work and project work . Competencies and skills that are essential today for the professional development of individuals ( 21st Century Skills , Framework for 21st Century Learning, Education to employement Mckinsey ) and keys to form citizens and professionals to live and work in changing and uncertain environments, knowing react and adapt quickly to these changes and ultimately knowing collaborate and cooperate in network.
The course ultimately aims to open discussion among all participants on simple questions like: Why educators should be on social media ? How do I select valid sources and content learning in the network What is a PLE and how to use it in the classroom? How can I learn from the experience of others? What is digital identity? Why is it important to manage and teach students to do? Can you use social media to enhance learning? Who and how are you doing? How do you use to communicate with students and families? How it works in network ... definitely "? connected education: the school in times of networks "( Registration ) aims modestly put a grain in the transformation of education, to be able, together, to reverse the phrase of Davies and not against educating experience but from the experience and the experience of others (collectively, networked and shared).