The annual congress of European Schoolnet (EUN) , EMINENT ( Experts Meeting in Education Networking ), held in Zurich this month, has had as its central theme this year "assessment of key competencies: paradigm shifts". In addition to reviewing policies and innovation projects in European education, the proposal has been to focus the conference on exploring the notion of evaluation and current affairs on this, as outlined in the Communication of the European Commission on " Opening Up Education " , which stresses the need to "explore and try, in cooperation with stakeholders and Member States, the frames of digital skills and self-assessment tools for students, faculty and organizations".
Participants at the conference have been:
collect updated on innovative and educational policy issues assessment information.
make their contributions to the discussions and shaping the future work program of European Schoolnet.
connect with peers and other stakeholders in each sector and field.
The policy of innovation and experimentation have always been at the heart of the work of EUN. In EMINENT 2014, have dedicated part of the program to be presented to the ministries of education, industry partners and other stakeholders in education, the latest results of the projects of innovation and experimentation that promote, as iTEC , inGenious , Creative Classrooms Lab , eSkills jobs for 2014 , Living Lab Schools and eSafety label . The session was informative posters on projects on Future Classroom Lab , Creative Classroom Lab , Evaluation of Science Fairs, Go-Lab , LangOER and KeyCoNet .
The conference hashtag on Twitter was # Eminent2014. A summary of tweets generated with that tag is in:
[ View the story "# eminent2014. Expert Meeting in Education Networking" on Storify ]
Summary of presentations program
Opening session
Giovanni Biondi (Chairman of European Schoolnet Steering Committee) opened alluding to the educational revolution underway Congress, the challenges posed by the new paradigm of key skills and the necessary integration of digital media, involving new forms of assessment. It takes a new teacher for the new school model, but it also requires specifying the powers of the new teacher.
Monika Knill (Head Department of Education of Canton Thurgau) gave institutional welcome from the hosts and stressed the importance of these meetings to address these challenges.
Barry O'Sullivan (Senior Advisor, British Council) made the keynote address. He talked about the necessary changes in systems and assessment practices. He reviewed the history of educational assessment and commented that we evaluated in a similar way as it was a century ago. Society has changed and we must adapt the evaluation systems. The technology supports innovation, but not just because we use technology innovation.
Mesa "Trends and challenges in evaluation"
Roger Blamire (Senior Advisor, European Schoolnet) opened the reflection on what is evaluation, types, purposes and new trends related to competency assessment.
Janet Looney (Director, European Institute for Education and Social Policy / EIESP) gave an overview of the main theories and methods of assessment, either summative (tests), training (referenced criteria, feedback), ipsative (portfolios, tools monitoring of student progress.) Each evaluation method collects various types of information in different ways and times.
Morten Søby (Head of Department, Norwegian Centre for ICT in education, Ministry of Education and Research) discussed the challenges of evaluating new media. He described the evaluation plan digital competition in Norway, according to its own framework. He offered collaborative research group on learning analytics.
Mesa "Learning Analytics and education"
Peter Karlberg (Skolverket, Sweden, Chair of the Policy Innovation Committee) and Patricia Wastiau (Principal Advisor for Studies, EUN) made a summary of the discussion groups digital competition and innovation policies, with the latest trends identified on analytical technologies learning data. It is important to determine what data you wish to collect and how we use them better educational intervention purposes are.
4. Parallel Workshops
A. Learning with mobile devices, evaluation and inclusion: contributions of the network of special educational needs (Sennett) and Classrooms Creative Lab (CCL). Speakers: Roger Blamire (EUN), Jan de Craemer (Flemish Ministry of Education), Leo Højsholt-Poulsen (Danish National Agency for IT and Learning), Patrizia and Silvia Lotti Panzavolta (INDIRE, Italy).
The tablets are becoming more popular in schools. They present unique opportunities and challenges in the evaluation as the inclusion of 15% of students with special needs in Europe. The objective of the workshop was to broaden the debate on changing paradigms of assessment to include students with special needs, based on information from two EUN projects pay special attention to the use of tablets: Sennet and CCL. Case studies were presented video of students with special educational needs who use tablets in regular classes in six countries involved and the work of CCL project with its focus on collaboration and evaluation, which this year will shed light on the opportunities particular tablets that may be provided. Sennet other results on digital content and teacher training is also provided; is also debate about future plans and generalizability.
B. Scientix: education policy recommendations in STEM projects, experiences and results. Speakers: Agueda Gras Velazquez and Gina Mihai (EUN).
The Scientix workshop focused on results and lessons learned from different European STEM projects. During the first part of the workshop, participants had the opportunity to get to Scientix and other STEM projects, highlighting the results and best practices. The second part of the workshop consisted of an open debate, in which participants could share experiences and best practices acquired for their participation in STEM projects and the impact they had in their centers and educational practice. It has also been reflected on a series of recommendations for the projects and their results and how they can help teachers and school administrators.
C. Bridging the digital skills gap: eSkills and digital work. Speakers: Charmaine Kerr and Tommaso Dallavecchia (EUN).
Despite stagnating economic growth and high unemployment, demand for digital work stations in Europe is growing continuously. Studies estimate that in 2015 around 500,000 vacancies in digital positions will not be covered due to the lack of suitable candidates. And this figure can reach almost one million in 2020. "e-Skills for Jobs 2014" is a mainstream Europe-wide campaign promoted by the European Commission and the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. The campaign consists of hundreds of national and European events, meetings with social partners and political and business leaders, media and social media marketing ... It is that young people, families and educators are aware of the relationship between having and maintaining digital skills and access to jobs. The workshop discussed the digital competence of teachers is one of the most important generalizations in society attention to these shortcomings keys.
D. Promotion of key skills in school: Virtual Guide to learning in entrepreneurship. Speaker: Sofia Aslanidou (EUN)
The materials of the Virtual Guide is a practical and useful tool for teachers in primary, secondary and vocational schools that wish to integrate entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship in the methods of teaching and learning processes that are configured in the classroom. In addition to tools, the guide provides examples of leadership and best practices from different schools in several countries, an overview of policy and strategic documents and two self-assessment tools for teachers and schools. Besides presenting the material of the guide, there is debate about the most appropriate policies and relevant practice in integrating entrepreneurship training in education. The "The Entrepreneurial School" project is co-funded by the 'Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) "of the European Union.
Tables policy experimentation in Europe.
Patricia Wastiau (EUN) presented the outlines of projects and policies experimentation European Schoolnet. The ultimate goal is the mainstreaming of good practices that have been tested, for which, the sharing and dissemination are key elements in the processes developed.
Anja Balanskat (EUN) presented the first results of Project Classrooms Creative Lab , which has allowed to experiment with new methods and devices (Spain does not participate).
Karin Steinmann (Amgen Teach) presented by the pharmaceutical company Amgen educational program .
Jan De Craemer (Coordinator of ICT in Education and Media Literacy Policy, Flemish Ministry of Education & Training) presented the Draft eSafety label, , which provides tools for assessing the safety of infrastructure, policies and practices with digital media in schools and create a personalized action plan.
Closing session: "System-wide and whole school change, building on iTEC School and Living Lab projects".
Will Ellis (Project Manager, iTEC) and Dorothy Cassells (Project Manager, Living Lab School) presented the progress both iTEC Project , offering a wealth of resources and examples of good practice in relation to the design of classroom of the future (it would be highly desirable for Spain to participate more actively in this project) and Living Lab Schools, , with examples of models of ICT integration projects educational center. All developments and examples of good practice are reviewed in reference websites of projects.
He closed the conference Marc Durando (Executive Director European Schoolnet) highlighting the importance of using cooperation platforms such as eTwinning, for experimentation and spread of innovation posed new technological challenges for educational processes and actors.
Participants at the conference have been:
collect updated on innovative and educational policy issues assessment information.
make their contributions to the discussions and shaping the future work program of European Schoolnet.
connect with peers and other stakeholders in each sector and field.
The policy of innovation and experimentation have always been at the heart of the work of EUN. In EMINENT 2014, have dedicated part of the program to be presented to the ministries of education, industry partners and other stakeholders in education, the latest results of the projects of innovation and experimentation that promote, as iTEC , inGenious , Creative Classrooms Lab , eSkills jobs for 2014 , Living Lab Schools and eSafety label . The session was informative posters on projects on Future Classroom Lab , Creative Classroom Lab , Evaluation of Science Fairs, Go-Lab , LangOER and KeyCoNet .
The conference hashtag on Twitter was # Eminent2014. A summary of tweets generated with that tag is in:
[ View the story "# eminent2014. Expert Meeting in Education Networking" on Storify ]
Summary of presentations program
Opening session
Giovanni Biondi (Chairman of European Schoolnet Steering Committee) opened alluding to the educational revolution underway Congress, the challenges posed by the new paradigm of key skills and the necessary integration of digital media, involving new forms of assessment. It takes a new teacher for the new school model, but it also requires specifying the powers of the new teacher.
Monika Knill (Head Department of Education of Canton Thurgau) gave institutional welcome from the hosts and stressed the importance of these meetings to address these challenges.
Barry O'Sullivan (Senior Advisor, British Council) made the keynote address. He talked about the necessary changes in systems and assessment practices. He reviewed the history of educational assessment and commented that we evaluated in a similar way as it was a century ago. Society has changed and we must adapt the evaluation systems. The technology supports innovation, but not just because we use technology innovation.
Mesa "Trends and challenges in evaluation"
Roger Blamire (Senior Advisor, European Schoolnet) opened the reflection on what is evaluation, types, purposes and new trends related to competency assessment.
Janet Looney (Director, European Institute for Education and Social Policy / EIESP) gave an overview of the main theories and methods of assessment, either summative (tests), training (referenced criteria, feedback), ipsative (portfolios, tools monitoring of student progress.) Each evaluation method collects various types of information in different ways and times.
Morten Søby (Head of Department, Norwegian Centre for ICT in education, Ministry of Education and Research) discussed the challenges of evaluating new media. He described the evaluation plan digital competition in Norway, according to its own framework. He offered collaborative research group on learning analytics.
Mesa "Learning Analytics and education"
Peter Karlberg (Skolverket, Sweden, Chair of the Policy Innovation Committee) and Patricia Wastiau (Principal Advisor for Studies, EUN) made a summary of the discussion groups digital competition and innovation policies, with the latest trends identified on analytical technologies learning data. It is important to determine what data you wish to collect and how we use them better educational intervention purposes are.
4. Parallel Workshops
A. Learning with mobile devices, evaluation and inclusion: contributions of the network of special educational needs (Sennett) and Classrooms Creative Lab (CCL). Speakers: Roger Blamire (EUN), Jan de Craemer (Flemish Ministry of Education), Leo Højsholt-Poulsen (Danish National Agency for IT and Learning), Patrizia and Silvia Lotti Panzavolta (INDIRE, Italy).
The tablets are becoming more popular in schools. They present unique opportunities and challenges in the evaluation as the inclusion of 15% of students with special needs in Europe. The objective of the workshop was to broaden the debate on changing paradigms of assessment to include students with special needs, based on information from two EUN projects pay special attention to the use of tablets: Sennet and CCL. Case studies were presented video of students with special educational needs who use tablets in regular classes in six countries involved and the work of CCL project with its focus on collaboration and evaluation, which this year will shed light on the opportunities particular tablets that may be provided. Sennet other results on digital content and teacher training is also provided; is also debate about future plans and generalizability.
B. Scientix: education policy recommendations in STEM projects, experiences and results. Speakers: Agueda Gras Velazquez and Gina Mihai (EUN).
The Scientix workshop focused on results and lessons learned from different European STEM projects. During the first part of the workshop, participants had the opportunity to get to Scientix and other STEM projects, highlighting the results and best practices. The second part of the workshop consisted of an open debate, in which participants could share experiences and best practices acquired for their participation in STEM projects and the impact they had in their centers and educational practice. It has also been reflected on a series of recommendations for the projects and their results and how they can help teachers and school administrators.
C. Bridging the digital skills gap: eSkills and digital work. Speakers: Charmaine Kerr and Tommaso Dallavecchia (EUN).
Despite stagnating economic growth and high unemployment, demand for digital work stations in Europe is growing continuously. Studies estimate that in 2015 around 500,000 vacancies in digital positions will not be covered due to the lack of suitable candidates. And this figure can reach almost one million in 2020. "e-Skills for Jobs 2014" is a mainstream Europe-wide campaign promoted by the European Commission and the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. The campaign consists of hundreds of national and European events, meetings with social partners and political and business leaders, media and social media marketing ... It is that young people, families and educators are aware of the relationship between having and maintaining digital skills and access to jobs. The workshop discussed the digital competence of teachers is one of the most important generalizations in society attention to these shortcomings keys.
D. Promotion of key skills in school: Virtual Guide to learning in entrepreneurship. Speaker: Sofia Aslanidou (EUN)
The materials of the Virtual Guide is a practical and useful tool for teachers in primary, secondary and vocational schools that wish to integrate entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship in the methods of teaching and learning processes that are configured in the classroom. In addition to tools, the guide provides examples of leadership and best practices from different schools in several countries, an overview of policy and strategic documents and two self-assessment tools for teachers and schools. Besides presenting the material of the guide, there is debate about the most appropriate policies and relevant practice in integrating entrepreneurship training in education. The "The Entrepreneurial School" project is co-funded by the 'Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) "of the European Union.
Tables policy experimentation in Europe.
Patricia Wastiau (EUN) presented the outlines of projects and policies experimentation European Schoolnet. The ultimate goal is the mainstreaming of good practices that have been tested, for which, the sharing and dissemination are key elements in the processes developed.
Anja Balanskat (EUN) presented the first results of Project Classrooms Creative Lab , which has allowed to experiment with new methods and devices (Spain does not participate).
Karin Steinmann (Amgen Teach) presented by the pharmaceutical company Amgen educational program .
Jan De Craemer (Coordinator of ICT in Education and Media Literacy Policy, Flemish Ministry of Education & Training) presented the Draft eSafety label, , which provides tools for assessing the safety of infrastructure, policies and practices with digital media in schools and create a personalized action plan.
Closing session: "System-wide and whole school change, building on iTEC School and Living Lab projects".
Will Ellis (Project Manager, iTEC) and Dorothy Cassells (Project Manager, Living Lab School) presented the progress both iTEC Project , offering a wealth of resources and examples of good practice in relation to the design of classroom of the future (it would be highly desirable for Spain to participate more actively in this project) and Living Lab Schools, , with examples of models of ICT integration projects educational center. All developments and examples of good practice are reviewed in reference websites of projects.
He closed the conference Marc Durando (Executive Director European Schoolnet) highlighting the importance of using cooperation platforms such as eTwinning, for experimentation and spread of innovation posed new technological challenges for educational processes and actors.
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Tags: Conferences , Education , Europe , European Schoolnet , European Projects